【Job opportunities】 Third-Party Monitoring and Evaluation of the JPF-funded Projects in Türkiye

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The Japan Platform (hereinafter referred to as "JPF") is an international emergency humanitarian aid organization which offers effective and prompt emergency aid in response to refugee crises and natural disasters.

The purpose of this request for application is to solicit competitive offers for the provision of evaluation service for a project (2 phases) which is funded by JPF and implemented by a member NGO in Türkiye.

JPF invites an individual who is experienced on third party evaluations and have access to project locations in Türkiye.

Tender documents including annexes can be downloaded from below.

Contact Person:
Procurement Department 
Contact E-Mail:
Tender Dossier Web Link for Download:
Manner of Submission:
PDF format / Electronic submission of Proposal
Deadline for Submission of CV with references and motivation letter including daily 
Deadline for Submission of Proposals:
22nd March 2024 17:00 (Türkiye Local Time)
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