継続的に人道支援活動を支えるマンスリーサポーター 募集キャンペーン実施中
当団体を装った不審なメール等の情報発信や人物に関するお問い合わせ等がありましたら、お手数で恐れ入りますが、最寄りの警察署、迷惑メール相談センター、または、当団体info@japanplatform.org までご連絡いただけますようお願いいたします。
Dear Contractor,
Notification Of Cancellation Updates From Your Company's Representative Agent On Your Contract Files
Above Refers:/
As directed by the Standing Committee Resolution Board after our Executive Board Meeting today to informed You of the Application Filed Today [29/06/2022] by Your Company's Resident Representative Agent for the Urgent Cancellation of your Contract File Names thereby Replacing it with His Newly Qualified Company from CHINA.
He in further Legal Explanation Clarified of your Company's Incapability & Inability towards Production And Supply Of the Quoted Products withing the Specified Periods of Time Due to the Break-Down of your Production Machines and also Explain that He will not be in Position to be Held Responsible Over Non Compliance and Fulfillment of such Agreement by a Non Incompetent and Sham Company Of Your's as Quoted By HIM.
And meanwhile the Members of the Contract Awarding Committee Board (CAC) has given Him till Friday [01/07/2022] as the Last Date for the Re-igning and Fulfilling of all the required Contract Formalities at the JAPAN PLATFORM OFFICE Here.
He also Promised of Coming forward on Friday [01/07/2022] with his Newly Introduced Company Executives from CHINA, as they will be attending the JPF Board General Meeting with them at The JAPAN PLATFORM OFFICE Here.
Your Company's Resident Representative Agent in His Remarks today Clarified that His Newly introduced Chinese Company is Capable in Handling such Projects within the Specified Period of Time.
We hereby to Verify and Clarified from You and Your Company before Any Actions will be Allowed and Taken by this Contract Award Committee Board (CAC) Due to the Legality of this Contract Supply Projects ;
As We hereby Apologize for every inconvenience this may cause To Both Parties And You should confirm the receipt of this letter in compliance accordingly.
Thank You ,
The Secretary General
Address: Kojimachi GN Yasuda Bldg. 4F,
3-6-5 Kojimachi, Chiyoda -ku,
Tokyo 102-0083, Japan - JP
TEL: +81362614750, +81887469475
FAX: +8136264753
Emails: japanplatform.org@asia-mail.com,
Website: www.japanplatform.org.
特定非営利活動法人(認定NPO法人) ジャパン・プラットフォーム
認定NPO法人通知書 〒102-0083 東京都千代田区麹町3-6-5 麹町GN安田ビル 4F
TEL:03-6261-4750 FAX:03-6261-4753 アクセスマップ