Thank you United Airlines and Global Giving for your warm support for the Typhoon Hagibis affected people.



Thank you United Airlines and Global Giving for your warm support for the Typhoon Hagibis affected people.



United Airlines launched a crowdrise fundraising campaign for the Typhoon Hagibis affected people with Global Giving which will receive their donation on behalf of Japan Platform. Thank you, Japan Platform will be delivering your donation promptly as effective support in line with the needs of those in need.

See United Airlines News Release as following.

Recovery efforts are in full force in Japan after one of the most powerful storms in decades hit the area, leaving victims and thousands without homes last weekend. We're joining relief efforts by launching a crowdrise fundraising campaign. Donations will support our partner Global Giving, which will receive our donation on behalf of Japan Platform, an emergency aid organization. As part of our contribution, we're offering bonus award miles to MileagePlus members who join our efforts:

* 250 MileagePlus bonus award miles when donating $50 to $99.
* 500 MileagePlus bonus award miles when donating $100 to $249.
* 1,000 MileagePlus bonus award miles when donating $250 or more.

United will match the first $15,000 raised and provide up to a total of 1 million bonus for individuals who make donations of $50 or more.

▼United Airlines News Release


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