US JETAA supporting Japan Platform's Emergency Response to Western Japan Floods



US JETAA supporting Japan Platform's Emergency Response to Western Japan Floods



Thank you so much US JETAA! We greatly appreciate your warm support. We are making sure to deliver your deep thoughts to the people there in terms of their real needs with our member NGOs. Thank you again!!!

▼JPF's Emergency Response to Western Japan Floods

We are happy to report that USJETAA has raised $7,508 USD for the Japan Platform's recovery efforts in western Japan. This week we sent funds we received for a total of $5,927 USD remitted to Japan Platform (ジャパン・プラットフォーム), which includes all of the funds so far remitted to our bank account from the donation site, minus the wire transfer fees. We are now consulting with the U.S. Embassy in Japan to determine the best place to donate the remaining funds for long-term relief efforts. We will keep you posted! Though the campaign is now closed, we can still take donations for western Japan relief by selecting that donation designation on our main fundraising page: >


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